Spring Forward Summer Camp:

Site 3: Rock Island Academy

Students from Rock Island Academy, Earl Hanson and Frances Willard

Parent Packet

Frequently Asked Questions

  • You should have received an email confirmation when you registered. If you do not have this or cannot find it, contact Jae at jae@springforwardqca.org

  • • Water bottle

    • Shoes to be active in

    • A positive attitude

  • Site Leaders:

    Amber Grant (Rock Island Academy)
    (309) 269-7045

    Lauren Hall (Earl Hanson/Frances Willard)
    (309) 781-6867

  • Contact your child’s site leader listed on your parent packet.

  • Contact your child’s site leader listed on your parent packet.

  • We hope you received your invitation to sign up for Remind. Once you sign up, you will receive weekly newsletters with camp information

  • View your camp site page and parent packet for a list of field trips.

    Please make sure your child has:

    • walking shoes (not sandals)

    • sunscreen for outdoor activities

    • bug spray if needed

Still have questions? Contact Jae Crockett and we will get back to you!